While there’s no one-stop shopping for both full-time and seasonal Gulf Island residents on voting in the next civic election Oct. 15, 2022, our volunteers have provided all the links and voter forms on our page below.
Seasonal residents have different forms for EACH island region.
All full-time island residents can get their voter information from Elections BC.
You’re part of Capital Regional District. Here’s your seasonal voter information.
Gambier Island Local Trust Area includes 35 associated islands including:
Keats Island
North Thormanby Island
South Thormanby Island
Here’s your seasonal voter information.
Thetis Island Local Trust Area includes these and other associated islands including:
Dunsmuir Island
Ladysmith Harbour Islands
Valdez Island
Here is the Thetis Island Region seasonal voter information.
The Denman Island Local Trust Area includes three associated islands:
Chrome Island
Sandy Islet
Seal Islet
Hornby Island Local Trust Area has three associated islands:
Norris Rocks
Toby Island
Flora Islet
Here’s your non-resident / seasonal voter information.
Gabriola Island Local Trust Area includes 20 associated islands including:
DeCourcy Island
Link Island
Mudge Island
You’re part of the Regional District of Nanaimo. Here’s your non-resident / seasonal voter information.
If you have any questions, please contact: The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN). P. 250-390-4111 1-877-607-4111 Toll Free. E: inquiries@rdn.bc.ca
Photo credit: Keith Urchuk, used with permission.
Non-resident or seasonal owners please click here for your voter forms.
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© 2021 Southern Gulf Islands Coalition